APP: Branding KuroNote – Final Submission

Deliverables Main Logos Main icon Associated Colour Palette + Typeface Promotional Material and Style Guide: (LIVE SITE) Demonstration: Featured GIF animation alone Icon applied to Desktop (to the left, next to existing Application window) Additional Promotional Material Portfolio Pages Version

APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Personal Working Practices

How was my time keeping? My time keeping in this project was sufficient, but it could have been better. The project had a long time allocated, but it was to be completed alongside the major written dissertation. I found some difficulties in balancing these two different pieces of work, keeping in mind that the higherContinue reading “APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Personal Working Practices”

APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Good Design?

In what ways did you consider Designing Backwards or application of Systems Thinking to your project? Was it a step forwards or backwards in ‘designing for good’? Throughout the project I considered what form the final pieces would take, in their physical form or remaining digital. This came up when I made the choice forContinue reading “APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Good Design?”

APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Visual Communication

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief? The brief is to promote with branding, a text editor which is proposed as a Notepad alternative with a focus on personality, intuitiveness and the feature to choose a background image. I communicate the Notepad functionality by making sureContinue reading “APP: KuroNote Evaluation – Visual Communication”

APP: Promotional Website Development

The site banner to easily navigate needed a logo, and I used the version with the large adjacent wordmark as it was most appropriate for the tight space which extends horizontally. As experienced on many websites, I used this logo as a homepage button, rather than including a ‘Home’ button in the menu to theContinue reading “APP: Promotional Website Development”

APP: Style Guide Page Development

I reflected on different kinds of style guides, including my previous well-received work, in considering my approach to the style guide for KuroNote. I note that KuroNote is entirely computer-based in how it currently operates, not dealing with any print materials. Considering this as I take note of how many tech companies opt to useContinue reading “APP: Style Guide Page Development”

APP: Style Guide Elements

I considered how appropriately to expand the final logo version out to a full visual branding set which can fill a style guide (brand guidelines) in establishing the identity of KuroNote. I reflected first on the possibility of opening up to other versions of the logo which are still very similar, coming down to aContinue reading “APP: Style Guide Elements”

APP: Client Feedback and Final Icon/Logo Development

I showed my icon concepts (previously posted) to my client and gained their thoughts and preferences on the direction I have gone. I summarise their thoughts as such: Noted the importance of keeping the icon simple, to be seen at such a small size when used on a PC desktop screen. Understood the link withContinue reading “APP: Client Feedback and Final Icon/Logo Development”

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