FMP: Greenwashing: Final Submission

Mock-Ups: PDF Submissions There are 4 files here, 2 mock-up spreads per file, with the front and back covers on the 4th file. These PDF submissions will display the best quality, accurate to how they were designed. These files will each require scrolling down to see all the content. Mock-up credit: Flat Image PDFContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Final Submission”

FMP: Greenwashing Evaluation – Personal Working Practices

How was my time keeping? I took some steps to manage my time keeping from the outset of this project, though it could have been better. A production schedule was created where I identified everything that would be required to work towards this brief effectively, which I was able to refer to a few times.Continue reading “FMP: Greenwashing Evaluation – Personal Working Practices”

FMP: Greenwashing Evaluation – Visual Communication

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief? The editorial spreads and cover visually communicate the issue of greenwashing as is needed to meet the brief. The visuals support text which directly communicates relevant information for the brief on the part that the graphic design industry hasContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing Evaluation – Visual Communication”

FMP: Greenwashing: Back Cover Development

With the intention to produce a sample copy for the Graphic Design Magazine issue on greenwashing, it would be ideal to provide a back cover design to pair with the front cover design. With this, I could potentially have a print design offering which provides a large portion of the inside content spreads, as wellContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Back Cover Development”

FMP: Greenwashing: Opening Contents Spread Development 2

With an appropriate version for the introductory left page of the spread, I set to designing the list of contents for the magazine. This page would require less visual elements than the complex left page, but need to be designed in a way that fits the other pages in the magazine. I turned to variousContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Opening Contents Spread Development 2”

FMP: Greenwashing: Opening Contents Spread Development 1

As the pages for the spreads are numbered in order, I find it would be in line with professional practice to include an accurate opening spread. My initial first spread begins the text content on Greenwashing, but before this, an introduction to Graphic Design Magazine and a list of the magazine’s contents are in order.Continue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Opening Contents Spread Development 1”

FMP: Greenwashing: Corporate Memphis Spread Layout

With a version of the main image at hand, I consider more about how the image will be placed on a spread. I had in mind that it would take up the entirety of one page, away from most of the body text, since it holds A4 dimensions. I set the image on the leftContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Corporate Memphis Spread Layout”

FMP: Greenwashing: Corporate Memphis Spread Visualisation

Having found a point of interest in the trend of Corporate Memphis from previous research, I decide it would be valuable to include a spread which features this issue for a part of the sample of the Graphic Design Magazine issue on Greenwashing. I searched for text which gives a brief summary of what corporateContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Corporate Memphis Spread Visualisation”

FMP: Greenwashing: Magazine Cover Design Development

The illustration intended for the magazine cover is applied to an A4 area above. I started, as well as the illustration, with the acronym name for the magazine. My brief states that a graphic design magazine is the client, so I applied this simple name with an appropriate short acronym. I used the same TwContinue reading “FMP: Greenwashing: Magazine Cover Design Development”

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